Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Flergs just tagged me!

How sweet she is, well and off I go:

1. Four jobs I have held:
  1. Computer Sales man
  2. Programmer
  3. Tech Support
  4. Accountant
2. Four movies I could watch over and over:
  1. Love Actually
  2. 2001 Space Odyssey ( may Arthur C. rest in peace)
  3. Apocalypse Now
  4. The Crow
3. Four places I have lived:
  1. Cidade Nova
  2. Lisbon
  3. Massama and that's it!
4. Four TV shows I like:
  1. Reaper
  2. Ghost whisperer
  3. Supernatural
  4. Stargate
5. Four people who email me regularly:
  1. Monica
  2. My mother
6. Four favorite foods:
  1. hot just baked bread with butter and nespresso
  2. arroz de marisco (seafood rice?? in english)
  3. arroz de cabidela (no word in english it's made with blod and rice and chicken)
  4. bacalhau a braz (it's Portuguese and has codfish)
7. Four places I'd rather be:
  1. The Piramids in Egipt
  2. The Great Wall of China
  3. London Bridge
  4. The Parthenon in Greece
8. Four people I'm tagging:
  1. Sarah
  2. Franziska
  3. Michelenz
  4. Derek Design


Miranda Barten said...

hot just baked bread with butter and nespresso...sounds GREAATTT to me...

Have a great weekend!

Barb said...

Love Actually is one of my all time faves too!

Unknown said...

I also love Ghost Whisperer! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Good reading about you!! I like Love Actually too!